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miercuri, 8 decembrie 2010

And now for something completely different (Bunnies of Values, new section Grand Opening!)

They say that a picture is like a thousand words. What about more than one? What about a polaroid?

Following the same philosophy, which you have been used with here, of saying a lot by short means, here is something completely different. And because comic strips should be just that, here are some filmstrips that describe human values in a quite original way - using bunnies, non-values and vices and trying to be comical in a very noir/noire way [typical]. For a period, this is how things will go around here and this is how everything will look like so don't be shy to share your thoughts and feel free to participate in any way you like (pun intended, click the like button - there's also one at the bottom for the facebook page).

Without further ado, click this link to go straight into the action or, for the dyslexic: click the polaroid! (you'll get used with these "on-purpose badly taken pictures") The next filmstrips will be posted here and in the Bunnies of Values section below where you can find them all. Also, there's going to be an ad somewhere around here which will remind you of your favourite bunnies!

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Vorbe scurte

Nu aştepta tot timpul să apară ceva nou. Sunt sigur că sunt unele vorbe care ţi-ar plăcea, ascunse prin arhivă. Un pic mai jos sunt secţiunile şi acolo ai ce citi cu siguranţă. Aceeaşi filozofie o poţi adopta şi în viaţa de zi cu zi. Poate ceea ce-ţi doreşti cel mai mult stă lângă tine, chiar sub nasul tău, de atâţia ani.

Vorbe scurte

Când vei fi bătrân blogul ăsta va fi vintage.

Vorbe scurte

Am un pahar de plastic. Şi în paharul de plastic mai am un pahar de plastic. Am pus două ca să nu mă frig de la ceaiul fierbinte. Ce interesant că "frig" poate exprima căldura extremă.

Prognoza meteo: Lună prezintă